
Friday, 3 March 2017

What makes a weekend fun?

Image result for pictures of intermediate kids having funWe all know weekends can be the most lifeless two days of our lives. The only thing we do are chores and church stuff but, their are some other ways to make your weekends more exciting. Here are a few things you can do to brighten your weekend.

One of the things you could do is, invite a friend over. Having a friend over can keep you company and they can chat to you whenever you need help. Not to mention they can help you clean your room and do some chores and it will be way better than doing it by yourself.

Another thing you could do during the weekends is, go on a family trip to the beach. On hot days, family trips can be extremely fun and something that will keep you interested and keep active at the same time. You can even invite other friends and families to have a more enjoyable day and to spend more time with everybody else.

You can go to a playground and play some games with friends so that you won’t get bored so easily. Sometimes staying home is good but bad at the same time, the reason being is because you can’t stay in your house forever without doing something really fun. We always have to keep active so our bodies can stay in shape and so we can keep fit, maybe one day you might eventually beat one of the fastest boy/girl in your class.

So instead of sitting at home watching TV with unwashed teeth, try set something to do with your families and friends in the weekend, now I am going to leave you with this one little question... "What can you do to make your weekend fun?".

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